Política de envio
Where will my order be shipped from?
To fulfill orders in multiple countries, we have partnered with on-demand fulfillment companies with facilities in multiple locations around the world!
Your order will be shipped from the nearest production location, we cannot guarantee that it will be shipped from your country, especially if the item ordered is not produced in your location, or if the available raw material stock is in another country.
On the product page, you will find information on where the product can be sent.
When will I receive my order?
SHIPPING TIME = Production time + Delivery time
Production time:
The estimated delivery time below is for items shipped within your country .
Consider Shipping Time only after production deadline
● USA: 4 to 7 business days
● Europe: 7 to 9 business days
● Australia: 4 to 15 business days
● Brazil: 10 to 17 business days
● Japan: 5 to 10 days business
Items shipped from another country
● International: 10 to 20 business days
IMPORTANT: customs service taxes not included
Will I be charged by customs for my order?
An additional customs and tax service fee or tax may occur on INTERNATIONAL ORDERS. This fee/tax is not under our control and is assessed by local customs.
Customs policies vary widely by country, so check directly with your local customs office to see if they apply duties and taxes to your purchases.
If there are customs service taxes, you will be directly responsible for them.
My order should already be here, but I haven't received it yet. What should I do?
Before contacting us, please help us by doing the following:
● Check your shipping confirmation email for errors in the delivery address
● Ask your local post office if they have your package
● Visit your neighbors if the courier has left the package with them
Error in delivery address
If the order has already been processed, we will have to wait for the carrier to return it, and may resend the order back, but shipping will be at your expense.
How are your products made?
Each product is custom made based on the animal print you select. It will be produced specifically for you once your order is confirmed. This means it's made to order, promoting a more conscious approach that helps minimize waste.
To serve several countries with quality, we work in partnership with an on-demand producer. They have facilities in several countries, so depending on where you are, your orders will be prepared, printed and shipped from the facility that can do it most efficiently!
Are all products in an order shipped together?
How do I track my order?
I received a wrong/damaged product, what should I do?
Get a faster response by sending us photos of the damaged product, your order number and any other details you may have about the your request. We will get back to you with a resolution as soon as possible!
This Delivery page is a complementary part of the Terms of Use Policies, and by using our website you agree to all of them.